Saturday, 25 May 2013

Hard to kill container garden plants

Have a sunny spot on your patio, deck or porch? Need an accent for a bright spot in your garden? These five plants are hard to kill and will thrive in container gardens in full sun. They are also lovely and common enough to possibly find in your supermarket. However, just because they're common doesn't mean you can't make them look spectacular with the right container.

1. Calibrachoa or Million Bells

If I could only pick one container garden plant to grow (though I shudder to think of that), it would probably be calibrachoa, also known as million bells. This plant comes in about a million spectacular colors that range from pure white to different shades of pink to deep purple.

Calibrachoa look great in almost any container garden. The prolific blossoms attract hummingbirds and butterflies and will go strong all summer with regular feeding.

Calibrachoas don't need deadheading but they do need consistent watering and good drainage - no soggy roots for these guys.

You can't go wrong with million bells in almost any container. Read More