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VERBASCUM bombyciferum. Hardy biennial evergreen. Oval leaves and stems covered with silver hairs. Upright racemes with five lobed yellow flowers in summer. Height 1.2-2m.
LONICERA periclymenum belgica honeysuckle. A deciduous woody stemmed climber. Oval oblong mid green leaves, grey beneath. Very fragrant, long tubed, dark purple flowers borne in mid and late summer. Grow in sun or shade. Height 7m.
ADENOPHARA bulleyana. Hardy perennial. Bears sprays of light blue flowers on upright stems in late summer. Requires full sun and rich, well drained but not over dry soil. Height 90cm. Spread 60cm.
AGASTACHE foeniculum 'Golden Jubilee'. Half hardy perennial. Unique golden foliage plant. Blue flowers in summer.
AQUILEGIA 'Red Cardinal'. Clump forming perennial. Bell shaped, spurned flowers with red petals and red white sepals in spring and summer. Prefers well drained soil in an open sunny site.
ACHILLEA millefolium 'Cerise Queen'. Upright vigorous perennial. Fern like foliage, large usually plate like, flowers heads of purple red in summer. Fully hardy, tolerates most soils, grows best in sunny, well drained site.
ACONITUM carmichaelii ‘spatlese’. Dreamy clear pale blue flowers, a shade darker at edges July-Oct, good foliage. Height 1.2m.
ASARUM splendens. A vigourously spreading, easy to grow evergreen plant. Long arrow shaped leaves with silver blotches. Curious looking around, funnelled 2 inch flowers appear among the foliage. Grow in shade to part shade in moist, well drained slightly acidic soil typically of woodlands in best. Good as ground cover for shady areas under trees.
AQUILEGIA Red Hobbit. Clump forming perennial producing bell shaped spurred flowers of carmine-red with white corolla. Compact habit, height 35cm. Prefers well drained soil in an open, sunny site.
AQUILEGIA 'Mrs Scott Elliot'. Hardy perennial. Clump forming, leafy, producing bell shaped flowers of various colours, often bicoloured, with long spurs appearing in early summer on branching wiry stems. Prefers well drained soil in open, sunny site.
AQUILEGIA fragrans. Clump forming hardy perennial with bell shaped, spurred white with purple tinged, fragrant flowers. Height 60cm. Prefers well drained soil in an open, sunny site.
ANTHEMIS Kelwayii. Hardy perennial. Carpeting clump forming, evergreen, yellow daisy-like flowers heads and fern like foliage. Prefers sun and well drained soil. Cut to ground level after flowering for good leaf rosettes in winter.
CIRSIUM rivulare 'Atropurpureum'. Pin cushion like, deep crimson flowers on erect stems in summer. Fully hardy. Tolerates sun or shade and dry soil.
CISTUS ’Silver Pink’. Evergreen bushy shrub. Height 60cm. Spread 1m. Oval, dark green leaves set off large saucer shaped clear pink flowers each with conspicuous yellow stamens from early to mid summer. Grows best in full sun, good for coastal areas.
COREOPSIS 'Cuttings Gold'. Hardy perennial. Daisy like, rich yellow flowers produced through summer. Height 50cm.
CEPHALARIA gigantea. Hardy perennial. A robust branching perennial. Wiry stems bear pin cushion like heads of primrose yellow flowers well above lance shaped dark green leaves best suited to large borders and wild gardens. Prefers sun and well drained soil. Height 2m, Spread 1.2m.
CLEMATIS 'The President'. Early, large flowered clematis. Height 6-10ft, spread 3ft. In early summer bears masses of single, rich purple flowers, silver beneath, 4 inches wide with red anthers. Can be grown facing in any aspect away from string cold winds in a sheltered position. Will do best if fed and watered well. Flowers on previous years growth so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'Multiblue'. Early large flowered clematis. Height 6-10ft, spread 3ft. In early summer bears masses of double rich purple flowers, silver beneath, 4 inches wide. Will produce single flowers later in the summer. Can be grown facing any aspect, in a sheltered position away from cold damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers of previous year's growth so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'Joan Picton'. Large flowered clematis. Compact growth, height 8-12ft, spread 3ft. A free flowering plant. Produces lilac with light bar, brown stamen flowers (6-8 inch) in early summer. Can be grown facing any aspect in a sheltered position away from cold damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous growth so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'Daniel Deronda'. A large flowered clematis producing deep violet blue, yellow stamens (6-8 inch diameter) semi double flowers in spring, single in late summer. Can be grown facing any aspect, but must be sheltered from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous year's growth, so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'Niobe'. A large flowered clematis producing deep, ruby red flowers with yellow stamens throughout summer. Can be grown facing any aspect, but must be sheltered from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous years growth, so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'John Huxtable'. A large flowered clematis producing masses of single white flowers with cream anthers. Can be grown facing any aspect, but sheltered from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers in mid summer on new growth, therefore previous year's growth can be disgarded by cutting back to a good pair of buds approx 25-30cm from the ground.
CLEMATIS 'Louise Rowe'. A large flowered clematis producing pale mauve double semi double and single flowers with golden anthers all at the same time (6-8 inches) during June-July. Can be grown facing either a east, south or west aspect, but must be sheltered from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous year's growth, so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS Viticella 'Purpurea Plena Elegans'. This plant produces masses of rosette-shaped violet purple flowers (2.5 inch diameter) in late summer. Can be grown facing an east, south or west aspect, but must be sheltered from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on new growth, therefore previous year's growth can be disgarded by cutting plant back to a good pair of buds approx 25-30cm from ground.
CLEMATIS 'Bees Jubilee'. A large flowered clematis, compact growth. Produces a profusion of single, deep pink with camine bar flowers with brown anthers in early summer. Grow facing any aspect, but must be sheltered from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous year's growth, so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'Beauty of Worcester'. Large flowered clematis producing deep blue double flowers in early summer followed by single flowers early on. Grow facing an east, south or west aspect in a sheltered position away from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous year's growth, so little (if any) pruning required.
CAMPANULA alliariifolia. Height 40cm. Mound-forming vigorous perennial. Bell-shaped, creamy white flowers borne along arching wiry stems throughout summer.
CAMPANULA cochleariifolia 'Bavaria Blue'. Spreading perennial, runners produce mats of rosetted, tiny, round leaves. Bears small clusters of blue flowers in summer on many thin stems above foliage. Height 8cms, spread indefinite. Grow in sun or shade in moist but well drained soil.
CAMPANULA punctata 'Rubriflora'. Heart shaped leaves form a rosette base which is over hung with long, arching stems of cream to purple crimson spotted flowers in July to August. Height 25cm. Grow in sun to partial shade in well drained soil.
CLEMATIS 'General Sikorski'. Large flowered clematis producing mid blue, reddish tinged flowers with golden anthers in mid summer. Grow facing an east, south or west aspect in a sheltered position away from damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous year's growth, so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'Horn of Plenty'. Large flowered clematis, compact growth. Height approx 8ft. Very large rose-mauve flowers (5 inch diameter) fading to mauve blue produced in early summer. Grow facing any aspect in a sheltered position away from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous year's growth, so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'Hagley Hybrid'. Large flowered clematis producing shell pink flowers with large stamens in mid summer. Grow facing any aspect in a sheltered position away from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on new growth, therefore previous year's growth can be disgarded by cutting plant back to a good pair of buds approx 25-30cm from ground.
DELPHINIUM 'Blue Bird'. Hardy perennial. Spikes of irregularly cup shaped spurred flowers. Need an open, sunny position and fertile rich, well drained soil. May need staking. Height 1.5m.
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1 Hybrids New Millenium Series 'Blue Lace'. Hardy perennial producing magnificent full blossoms of double light blue with pink tinge on stable and strong flower stalks, vigorous growth. Very good. Winter hardy. Needs an open, sunny position and fertile or rich, well drained soil. Staking and ample feeding and watering in spring and early summer required. Height 160cm.
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1 Hybrids New Millenium Series 'Green Twist'. Hardy perennial producing magnificent full blossoms of white with a green tinge and white-green bee on stable and strong flower stalks. Vigorous growth. Very good. Winter hardy. Needs an open, sunny position and fertile or rich well drained soil. Staking and ample feeding and watering in spring and early summer required. Height 160cm.
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1 Hybrids New Millenium Series 'Superstars'. Hardy perennial producing magnificent full blossoms on stable and strong flower stalks. Vigorous growth. Very good. Winter hardy. Needs an open, sunny position and fertile or rich well drained soil. Staking and ample feeding and watering in spring and early summer required. Height 160cm.
EUCRYPHIA X nymansenis. Evergreen columnar tree. Leathery, glossy, dark green leaves. Clusters of large white flowers open in late summer or early autumn. Grow in a sheltered, semi shaded position. Requires fertile, well drained soil. Height 15m.
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Ruby Star'. Vigorous upright perennial. Large daisy like carmine red flowers. Full hardy. Height 100cm. Prefers sun, rich moist but well drained soil.
ECHINACEA purpurea 'White Swan'. Vigorous upright perennial. Large daisy like white flower heads each with a prominent, central orange brown cone on strong stems in summer. Prefers sun, rich moist but well drained soil. Height 1.2m and spread 45cm.
GEUM chiloense 'Mrs. Bradshaw'. Hardy perennial, clump forming. Rounded, double crimson flowers borne in small sprays in summer. Grows best in sun and prefers moist but well drained soil. Height 80cm, spread 45cm.
GERANIUM pratense 'orion'. Clump forming perennial. Fully hardy. Produces five petalled saucer shaped, white flowers on branching stems in summer. Prefers sun, growing in any, but waterlogged soil. Height 75cms, spread 60cms.
GEUM flore plena 'Blazing Sunset'. A striking variety with prolific fully double scarlet flowers which are 50% larger than other varieties. Flowers over a long period from May to September. Looks good in the border. Height 60cms.
HEBE 'Super Red'. Spreading evergreen shrub with grey green leaves narrowly margined and veined red when young spikes of lilac blue flowers fading to white in summer
HEUCHERA americana. Evergreen perennial, forms large clump of decorative leaves with long feathery sprays of small white flowers. Good ground cover. Prefers semi-shade and moisture retentive but well drained soil. Height 45-75cms, spread 30-45cm.
HEUCHERA sanguinea 'Ruby Bells'. Hardy, evergreen perennial. Will form into a large clump with attractive foliage and spikes of brilliant dark red, dense flowers in May-July. Prefers semi-shade and moisture retentive but well drained soil.HEMEROCALLIS ’Destined to see’. Scented cream flowers with a remarkable lavender eye and dark picotee edge. Height 15cm wide, July-Aug 60cms. Easy to grow but snail and slug control in early spring is important when young foliage first appears. Lovely!
LIGULARIA clentata 'Midnight Lady'. Large kidney-shaped, leathery leaves with golden, daisy flowers. This ligularia retains its handsome dark foliage that will not fade to green as the summer goes on. A new introduction by Christian Kress of Sarastro Nursery in Australia and Jelitto seeds breeding effort. Midnight Lady grows into neat 60cms tall foliage mounds. Grow in sun or semi shade in moist well drained soil. Slug control may be necessary as prone to damage.
LUPINUS russell 'The Governor'. Hardy pernennial. Large racemes of blue/white pea like flowers in spring or early summer. Prefers light soil in sun or light shade. Height 75cm – 1.2m.
LEYCESTERIA formosa. Deciduous, upright shrub. Height and spread 2m. Frost hardy. Blue-green shoots and slender, oval, dark green leaves. In summer and early autumn small, funnel-shaped white flowers are borne at tip of each pendant cluster of purplish-red bracts and are followed by spherical, reddish-puple fruits.
LYCHNIS viscaria splendens 'Firebird'. Hardy clump forming perennial. Sticky, star shaped, reddish-purple flowers borne in dense clusters above narrowly oval to oblong, dark green leaves in early to mid summer. Suitable for the front of a border or rock garden. Height 30cm, spread 30-45cm. Requires sun and well drained soil.
LUPINUS Russell 'Woodfield' hybrid. Clump forming perennial with colourful dense, tight large flower panicles of either white, pink, red, yellow, blue or multicolour. Height 100cms.
LATHYRUS vernus 'Rainbow'. Hardy perennial grown for their racemes of attractive flowers. Has fern like much divided, soft leaves clump forming. In spring, slender stems bear 3-5 flowers in either carmine red, rose, light pink, lilac or white flowers. Height 25cm. Grow in rich, fertile well drained soil in full light.
OENOTHERA longifolia 'Lemon Sunset'. Hardy perennial. Large soft yellow flowers maturing to sunset red stems rich red. Prefers full sun and well drained sandy soil. Height 100cm. Flowers June-Oct.
PRIMULA 'Gold Lace'. Frost hardy perennial. Produces flat flowers with gold laced margins from mid to late spring. Height 20cm, Spread 25cm.
PAPAVER orientale 'The Princess' (Poppy). Hardy perennial. Single salmon coloured flowers borne in early summer. Grow in sun or semi-shade prefers moist, but well drained soil.
PAPAVER (Poppy) nudicaule 'Matador'. Tuft forming perennial. Hairy stems each produces a fragrant single scarlet flower in summer. Prefers partial shade. Good for a rock garden. Height 30cm, spread 10cm.
PYRACANTHA 'Red Column' (Firethorn). Evergreen spiny, large clusters of small 5 petalled white flowers in early summer followed by scarlet red berries in Autumn. Requires a sheltered site in sun or semi shade. Good plant for growing against wall.
PHOTINIA X stransvaesia 'Red Start'. Evergreen shrub grown for their bright red young foliage. Grow in sun or partial shade in fertile well drained soil. Height 4m.
PENSTEMON X mexicale 'Sunburst Ruby'. A very durable perennial originating from a cross between a Mexican and American species. It will survive winter temperatures as low as -25 degrees celcius and will not shrivel in the summer's heat and humidity. A profusion of white centred, ruby red tubular shaped blossoms held aloft on sturdy 40cm stems from June to August. Spent flowers can be removed and the plant will re-bloom. Graceful, bushy perennial with shimmering, narrow, glossy green foliage. Suitable in rock gardens, mixed planters or border. A low maintenance plant in well drained soil and sunny position.
PAPAVER orientale 'Coral Reef'. Hardy perennial producing many large, vibrant flowers in an intense and vivid coral pink over a long period. A spectacular, long lived plant. Excellent border and cut flower plant. Height 75cm. Needs sun or semi-shade and prefers moist, but well drained soil.
SALVIA nemorosa 'Rosenwein'. Hardy perennial. Neat, clump forming plant with narrowly oval, rough, mid-green leaves. Branching racemes densely set with pink flowers produced in summer. Height 15cm.
SYMPHYANDRA. Hardy upright or spreading perennial, best grown as a biennial producing panicles of bell shaped, blue or white flowers in summer. Suits large rock gardens and bases of banks. Self seeds readily. Height 30-60cm, spread 30cm.
SISYRINCHIUM bellum. Semi-evergreen, upright, clump-forming perennial that for a long period in summer and early autumn has many flowering stems carrying tiny tufts of iris-like, blue to violet blue flowers. Self seeds readily. Height 12cm, Spread 10cm.
TRADESCANTIA X andersoniana 'carmine red'. Rushy leaves and stems that carry clsutered heads of three petalled flowers up to 1 inch from June to August. Will grow in ordinary soil whether moist or dry in sun or partial shade.
VERBASCUM hybridum 'Southern Charm'. Produces slender spires of either creamy yellow, soft lavender and peachy rose shades with purple stamens. Low growing leaf rosettes. Height 60cm. Tolerates shade, but prefers an open sunny site and well drained soil.
VERONICA teucrium 'Royal Blue'. Hardy pernennial. Mat forming, short dense, racemes of small, saucer-shaped, bright blue flowers appearing in early summer. Suits a rock garden or bank. Height 40cm, spread 40cm.
VERBASCUM phoenicium 'Violetta'. Hardy perennial rosette-forming. Branched racemes of five lobed dark purple violet flowers in summer. Reblooms after dead heading. Height 90cm.
VERONICASTRUM virginicum 'Alba'. Upright perennial height 1.2m, spread 45cms. Fully hardy. Racems of small starshaped white flowers with pink flush bases produced in late summer. Needs sun and well drained soil.
VERBASCUM chauxii album 'Milkshake'. Hardy perennial. Strong spires of pure white flowers with plum pink eyes which contrast well to produce a striking effect. Shorter than other verbascum spices making it highly desirable. Height 75cms.
YUCCA filamentosa. Evergreen, forms a dense tuft of slender pointed, blue-green leaves. Fully hardy. Very long panicles of fragrant white flowers are produced in late sping and early summer. Height 2m, Spread 1.5m.
STOCK LISTING - Click on description to see images of the plant
YUCCA filamentosa. Evergreen, forms a dense tuft of slender pointed, blue-green leaves. Fully hardy. Very long panicles of fragrant white flowers are produced in late sping and early summer. Height 2m, Spread 1.5m.
WEIGELA florida. Deciduous, arching shrub. Height and spread 2.5m. Bears deep pink flowers, pale pink to white inside in late spring and early summer. Prefers sunny, fertile soil. To maintain vigour a few older branches may be pruned to ground level.
VERONICASTRUM virginicum 'Alba'. Upright perennial height 1.2m, spread 45cms. Fully hardy. Racems of small starshaped white flowers with pink flush bases produced in late summer. Needs sun and well drained soil.
VERBASCUM chaixii 'Sixteen Candles'. Golden flowers with violet filaments, richly branched flowers stems. True perennial. Tolerates shade, but prefers open sun.
TRADESCANTIA X andersoniana 'carmine red'. Rushy leaves and stems that carry clsutered heads of three petalled flowers up to 1 inch from June to August. Will grow in ordinary soil whether moist or dry in sun or partial shade.
TRADESCANTIA X andersoniana 'blue'. Rushy leaves and stems that carry clsutered heads of three petalled flowers up to 1 inch from June to August. Will grow in ordinary soil whether moist or dry in sun or partial shade.
TIARELLA polyphylla 'Filigran'. Vigorous spreading perennial, lobed, pale green leaves with darker marks, veins turn bronze - red in winter. Bears many spikes of profuse white flowers in late spring and early summer. Tolerates deep shade and prefers moist but well drained soil.
SPIREA japonica ‘Goldflame’. Deciduous, upright, slightly arching shrub with orange-red, young leaves turning to bright yellow and finally pale green. Bears heads of deep rose pink flowers from mid to late summer. Height and spread 1.5m.
SISYRINCHIUM bellum. Semi-evergreen, upright, clump-forming perennial that for a long period in summer and early autumn has many flowering stems carrying tiny tufts of iris-like, blue to violet blue flowers. Self seeds readily. Height 12cm, Spread 10cm.
SCUTELLARIA baicalensis. Produces erect single stems covered in blue flowers over a long period. Good in borders, containers and pots. Height 30cms.
SEDUM spectabile 'Autumn Joy'. Clump forming fleshy perennial. Fully hardy. Height and spread 45cms. Oval, grey green leaves above with flat heads of small, star-shaped pink flowers are bourne attracting butterflies. Grows well in any soil, but needs sun.
SAMBUCUS nigra ‘Black Beauty’. Deciduous shrub, purple foliage, clear pink lemon scented flowers, needs sun, fertile, moist soil. Height and spread 6m.
ROSMARINUS officinalis 'Miss Jessop's Upright'. Evergreen, compact, upright shrub. Height and spread 2m. Produces two lipped blue flowers in mid to late spring amid aromatic dark green leaves. Good for hedging. Can be cut back hard when old.
ROSEMARINUS officinalis ‘Majorca Pink’. Evergreen shrub grown for their flowers and aromatic foliage. Can be used as a culinary herb. Requires sun and well drained soil. Height and spread 2m.
RIBES sanguineum ‘King Edward VIII’. Deciduous upright compact shrub. Height and spread 2m, small tubular deep reddish pink flowers from mid to late spring. 3-5 lobed, aromatic dark green leaves
POTENTILLA Nepalensis 'Miss Wilmott'. Useful medium size hardy perennial will provide colour for the border throughout summer with its sprays of bright carmine flowers. Thrives in full sun. Height 60cms.
POTENTILLA fruticosa ‘Lovely Pink’. Deciduous bushy, dense shrub. Pink saucer shaped flowers from late spring to late summer. Height 1m, spread 5m.
POTENTILLA Fruticosa 'Daydawn'. Compact shrub of approx 1.5 metres. Flowers are orange-yellow appearing over a long period from early summer. Tolerant of position and soil as long as drainage is good.
POLEMONIUM caeruleum 'alba'. Clump forming perennial. Clusters of cup shaped, white flowers with orange-yellow stamens open in summer amid finely divided foliage. Fully hardy, prefers sun and well drained soil. Height and spread 45-60cms.
POLEMONIUM boreale 'heavenly habit'. Flowers are violet-blue with a yellow eye appearing in summer. Fully hardy, compact. Height 30cms. Will re-bloom if dead headed.
PHYGELIUS capensis 'Coccineus'. Upright sub-shrub, evergreen or semi evergreen. Will grow to 1.5m, spread 2m if planted in a sheltered position for example against a south or west facing wall. Usually loses leaves or has shoots cut to ground level by frost restricting maximum height. Flowers are red and tubular. Needs sun and and fertile well drained but not dry soil.
PHLOX Paniculata 'Franz Schubert'. Upright perennial bearing conical heads of lilac flowers in mid summer. Height 80cms, spread 60cms.
PHLOMIS fruiticosa. Evergreen spreading shrub. Walls of deep golden yellow flowers are produced amid sage like grey-green foliage from early to mid summer. Spread 1.5m. Prefers sun and well drained soil.
PHOTINIA fraseri ‘Red Robin’. Evergreen shrub grown for their foliage, fully hardy, but protect from cold winds. Glossy, dark green leaves, brilliant red when young. Height 4m.
PHOTINIA davidiana ‘Palette’. Evergreen spreading shrub or tree. Grown for its variegated foliage and red berries, sun or part shade.
MONARDA didyma. Showy plants for the late June to Sept period. Flowers are of curious shape, having upward painting petals and come at the tips of the leafy stems which do not branch. Grows in moist soil forming wide mats of surface growth. Leaves have a distinctive and not unpleasant odour.
LYSIMACHIA ephemerum. Neat, clump forming perennial. Height 1m, spread 30cms. Fully hardy. Star shaped greyish-white flowers produced on slender stems in summer. Prefers sun or semi-shade. Moist, but well drained soil.
LYCHNIS viscaria splendens 'Firebird'. Height 50cms, clump forming, bright red flowers from early to mid summer. Flowers borne in dense clusters. Suitable for front of border or rock gardens.
LUPINUS ‘Morello Cherry’. Racemes of pea like flowers. Prefers sun, clump forming flowers early summer. Height 1m.
LUPIN Russell 'Woodfield' hybrid. Clump forming perennial with colourful dense, tight large flower panicles of either white, pink, red, yellow, blue or multicolour. Height 100cms.
LIGULARIA dentata 'Dark Beauty'. Compact clump forming perennial. Height 1.2m, spread 60cms. Has heart shaped, long stalked, leathery, basal dark brownish leaves, vivid orange flower heads on branching stems from mid to late summer.
LEYCESTERIA formosa. Deciduous, upright shrub. Height and spread 2m. Frost hardy. Blue-green shoots and slender, oval, dark green leaves. In summer and early autumn small, funnel-shaped white flowers are borne at tip of each pendant cluster of purplish-red bracts and are followed by spherical, reddish-puple fruits.
KNAUTIA Macedonica 'Melton Pastels'. Long flowering period, producing branching stems bearing double almost globular flowers in either blue, mauve, red, pink or salmon. Good in border and will repeat flower if cut back.
KNAUTIA arvensis. Heads of pin cushion like blue-ish-lilac flowers appear in summer. Fully hardy, prefers sun and well drained soil. Height 1.2m, spread 45cm.
ILEX aquifolium ‘Silver Milkmaid’. Dense female shrub, height 5.5m, spread 4m. Oval wavy edged very spring leaves are bronze when young, maturing to bright green, each with a central creamy white blotch. Produces an abundance of scarlet berries. Makes a very attractive specimen plant.
HYDRANGEA macrophylla Tri-colour. Bushy shrub with varigated leaves and pink lace cap flowers. Prefers sun or semi shade and fertile moist but well drained soil.
HYDRANGEA macrophylla 'Libelle'. Deciduous bushy shrub. Oval toothed glossy, light green leaves. Produces white lacecap green flowers from mid to late summer. The pH of soil will not effect colour of flowers. Remove spent flower heads in spring. Prefers sun or semi-shade and fertile moist but well drained soil. Height 1.5-2m. Spread 2-2.5m.
HYDRANGEA macrophylla 'Leuchtfeuer'. Deciduous bushy shrub. Oval toothed glossy, light green leaves. Produces red mophead flowers from mid to late summer. The pH of soil will effect colour of flowers. Remove spent flower heads in spring. Prefers sun or semi-shade and fertile moist but well drained soil. Height 1.5-2m. Spread 2-2.5m.
HYDRANGEA macrophylla 'Berlin'. Deciduous bushy shrub. Oval toothed glossy, light green leaves. Produces pink mophead flowers from mid to late summer. The pH of soil will effect colour of flowers. Remove spent flower heads in spring. Prefers sun or semi-shade and fertile moist but well drained soil. Height 1.5-2m. Spread 2-2.5m.
HEMEROCALLIS Bela Lugosi 'day lilly'. Scented dark, purple-black tetraploid flowers. 15cms wide in July/August. Height 80cms. Easy to grow but snail and slug control in early spring is important when young foliage first appears.
HEMEROCALLIS ’Destined to see’. Scented cream flowers with a remarkable lavender eye and dark picotee edge. Height 15cm wide, July-Aug 60cms. Easy to grow but snail and slug control in early spring is important when young foliage first appears. Lovely!
GEUM flore plena 'Blazing Sunset'. A striking variety with prolific fully double scarlet flowers which are 50% larger than other varieties. Flowers over a long period from May to September. Looks good in the border. Height 60cms.Delphinium elatum 'Astlolat'. Erect plant with mid green, hand shaped leaves. Spikes of lilac and pink semi-double flowers. Prefers a sunny, sheltered postition and fertile soil.
GERANIUM pratense 'orion'. Clump forming perennial. Fully hardy. Produces five petalled saucer shaped, white flowers on branching stems in summer. Prefers sun, growing in any, but waterlogged soil. Height 75cms, spread 60cms.
GERANIUM phaeum 'samobor'. Clump forming perennial with lobed, soft green, dark zonal leaves and maroon- purple flowers in late spring. Height 75cms and spread 45cms. Can be grown in a semi shaded position.
FRANCOA sonchifolia. Clump forming perennial. Height 75cms, spread 45cms. Bears racemes of cup shaped, red marked pink flowers from summer to early autumn. Lobed leaves each have a large terminal lobe.
EUONYMUS fortunei ‘Blondy’. Evergreen shrub with bright green and golden foliage. Sun or semi shade, prostrate growth, height 1m, spread 1.5m.
EUCRYPHIA X nymansensis. Evergreen shrub grown for their foliage and fragrant white flowers in late summer. Sheltered semi shaded position. Height 15m.
ERAGROSTIS Spectabilis. Purple love grass. Height 50cms. Brilliant purple red flowers racems. Dense, compact clumps. One of the most attractive, late flowering, ornamental grasses.
ECHINOPS ritro. Upright perennial with globe, spiky flower heads, carried in late summer on silvery stems. Prefers full sun in poor soil. Height 1.2m, spread 80cms.
DIGITALIS X mertonensis (Summer King). Clump forming perennial. Height 75cms, spread 30cm, fully hardy. Bears spikes of downward pointing tubular, nose mauve to coppert flowers in summer, above a rosette of oval, hairy soft leaves. Divide after flowering.
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Snow Thimble' (Foxglove-white). Spikes of pure white bell shaped flowers, unspotted, large. Height 1m. Will grow in most conditions, even dry, exposed sites, but best in semi shade and moist soil.
DIANTHUS barbatus nigrescens 'sooty'. Height 35cms, deeply maroon flowers, fragrant green foliage matures to mahogany colour. Prefers an open, sunny position and well drained slightly alkaline soil.
DEUTZIA Hybrida 'Pink Pompom'. Easy to grow in most soils. Numerous small double pink flowers are produced from May to June. Height approx 2.5 metres. Cut out a portion of the shoot after flowering.
CROCOSMIA zealand. Forms a dense clump of sword shaped erect leaves. Big deep red flowers look outwards. Flowers July-September. Requires well drained soil in an open sunny site.
CARYOPTERIS. Deciduous shrub grown for its compact mass of lance shaped, grey green leaves and clusters of tubular blue to purplish blue flowers from summer to autumn. Prefers sun. Height and spread 1m.
CRAMBE cordifolia. Robust perennial with clouds of small, fragrant, white flowers borne in branching sprays in summer above mounds of large, crinkled and lobed, dark green leaves. Height to 2m, spread 1.2m. Fully hardy. Will grow in any well drained soil, prefers an open position in full sun but tolerates some shade.
COROKIA X virgata. Evergreen, upright dense shrub. Height and spread 3m. Needs full sun. Produces star shaped yellow flowers in mid spring then egg shaped bright orange fruits.
CLEMATIS macropetala Markham's Pink. Pink semi double nodding flowers, 1.5 to 2 inch diameter. Flowering months April-May. Height 8.75-12.25ft. Plant facing any aspect.
CLEMATIS macropetala 'Blue Bird'. Lavender blue semi-double nodding flowers. 1.5-2 inch diameter. Flowering months April-May. Height 8.75-12.25ft. Plant facing any aspect.
CLEMATIS Edward Defosse. Blue flowers, 6-8 inch diameter. May-July. Height approx 6-8ft. Compact variety good for growing in containers.
CLEMATIS alpina 'Frances Rivis'. Mid blue lantern flowers, white stamens of 1- 2.5 inch diameter. Flowering months April - May. Height 7-8.75 ft. Plant facing any aspect.
CLEMATIS 'Nelly Moser'. Pale mauve-pink with deep carmine bar, 7-9 inch diameter flowers. Fades badly in full sun but fine in shade. Flowering months May-June and possibly again in September if regularly fed. Height 8.75-14ft plant facing east, north or west aspect.
CLEMATIS 'Horn of Plenty'. Rosy mauve, deep coloured red centred flowers, 8-10inch diameter. Flowering time June-August. Height approx 8.75-14 ft. Plant facing any aspect. Does not require pruning.
CLEMATIS 'Henryii'. Creamy white flowers, pointed sepals and dark sepals and dark stamens 6-8 inch diameter. Flowering tim June-September. Height approx 14-22.75 ft. Plant facing any aspect.
CLEMATIS 'Countess of Lovelace'. Lavender blue, double and single flowers. 6-8 inch in diameter. Flowering time between June-Sept. Height approx 8.75-14ft. Plant, facing any aspect.
CISTUS ’Silver Pink’. Evergreen bushy shrub. Height 60cm. Spread 1m. Oval, dark green leaves set off large saucer shaped clear pink flowers each with conspicuous yellow stamens from early to mid summer. Grows best in full sun, good for coastal areas.
CIRSIUM rivulare 'Atropurpureum'. Pin cushion like, deep crimson flowers on erect stems in summer. Fully hardy. Tolerates sun or shade and dry soil.
CHOISYA Aztec pearl. Evergreen shrub grown for their foliage and flowers. Requires full sun. White flushed pink, fragrant flowers. Height and spread 2.5m.
CHAENOMELES japonica ‘Rubra’ flowering quince. Deciduous, usually thorny, spring flowering spreading shrub. Height 1m spread 2m. Profusion of red flowers then spherical, yellow fruits.
CENTAUREA montana. Spreading perennial with many lax stems carrying in early summer one or more large, purple, blue, white or pink flower heads with thistle like centres encircled by star shaped ray petals. Height 50cms.
CENTAUREA dealbata. Height 80cms, spread 60cms. Fresh pink flower heads borne freely in summer. Fully hardy. Requires sun, grows in well drained soil, even poor soil.
CEANOTHUS 'Blue Mound'. Evergreen shrub, blue flowers in mid summer and usually again in August/September. Height 300cms.
CEANOTHUS concha. Evergreen shrub with densely clustered, mainly blue flowers.SCABIOSA columbaria 'Misty Butterflies'. Height 25cms compact plant, soft pink to lavender blue, large flowering. Prefers sun and fertile well drained, alkaline soil.
CALLISTEMON Subulatus (Bottle Brush). Evergreen shrub with narrow pointed leaves and clustered flowers resembling bottle brushes produced in summer. Height and spread 1.5m.
CAMPANULA alliariifolia. Height 40cm. Mound-forming vigorous perennial. Bell-shaped, creamy white flowers borne along arching wiry stems throughout summer.
BUDDLEIA santana. Deciduous shrub, bright golden variegated foliage, lance shaped red flowers. Requires sun and fertile soil. Height and spread 2.5m.
BERGENIA cordifolia 'Winterglut'. Height 45cms. Evergreen perennial with thick, large rounded leaves. Ideal ground cover, fully hardy. Tolerates sun or shade. Incomparable red leaf colour in winter. Best in poor soil.
BERBERIS X ottawensis 'Purpurea'. Medium sized shrub (Height and spread 2m) with deep purple leaves, arching branches. Yellow spring flowers and red autumn berries. Requires partial shade and well drained soil.
ASTILBE BELLA. Summer flowering perennial with panicles of rose coloured flowers. Suitable for borders and rock gardens. Needs rich, moist soil in partial shade.
ASTER NOVI Belgii Dietard. A perennial with rosy red, daisy like flower heads bourne in summer/autumn. Dwarf form height 25cms. Prefers sun or partial shade and fertile well drained soil.
ASPHODELINE lutea 'Yellow Candle'. Height 80cms, spread 60cms-1metre. Neat, clump forming perennial that bears spikes of yellow flowers amid narrow, grey-green leaves in late spring.
AQUILEGIA Goldfinch. Clump forming perennial. Golden bell shaped spurred flowers in spring and summer. Fully hardy, prefers well drained soil in an open sunny site.
AQUILEGIA 'Red Cardinal'. Clump forming perennial. Bell shaped, spurned flowers with red petals and red white sepals in spring and summer. Prefers well drained soil in an open sunny site.
AQUILEGIA 'Dove'. Clump forming perennial white flowers with yellow stamens bell shaped, spurned flowers in spring and summer. Prefers well drained soil in an open sunny site.
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Woodside Strain'. Height 60cms. Clump forming, bell shaped spurred flowers in spring and summer of blue, white or pink. Green-yellowed marbled leaves.
ANEMONE sylvestris. Carpeting perennial. Height 30cms, fully hardy, large, fragrant. Cup shaped, white flowers in spring and early summer. Leaves divided and mid-green.
ANEMONE hupehensis. Pink or white flowers of 2.5cm to 5cm are produced in late summer by these delightful plants. The wiry, branching stems are tipped by nodding flowers. Flowering begins in late July or early August and continues till autumn. Needs good drainage and mainly sunny position.
AMPELOPSIS Megaphylla. Vigorous deciduous tendril climber reaching 8 metres. Hop like leaves. Makes a stunning sight in a large garden after summer bearing a rich crop of berries contrasting against the seasonal foliage colours. Prefers a sunny position.
AGAPANTHUS praecox 'headbourne hybrid'. Clump forming plant with erect stems that carry large umbels of bell to tubular bell shaped flowers, usually blue. This particular cultivar is the hardiest of all agapanthus. Height 1m, spread 50cms.
ACONITUM carmichaeli ‘spatlese’. Dreamy clear pale blue flowers, a shade darker at edges July-Oct, good foliage. Height 1.2m.
++ New plants and varieties are being constantly added ++
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or visit Betws-y-Coed Garden Nursery, Holyhead Road, Betws-y-Coed, Conwy, LL24 OAB.
VERBASCUM bombyciferum. Hardy biennial evergreen. Oval leaves and stems covered with silver hairs. Upright racemes with five lobed yellow flowers in summer. Height 1.2-2m.
LONICERA periclymenum belgica honeysuckle. A deciduous woody stemmed climber. Oval oblong mid green leaves, grey beneath. Very fragrant, long tubed, dark purple flowers borne in mid and late summer. Grow in sun or shade. Height 7m.
ADENOPHARA bulleyana. Hardy perennial. Bears sprays of light blue flowers on upright stems in late summer. Requires full sun and rich, well drained but not over dry soil. Height 90cm. Spread 60cm.
AGASTACHE foeniculum 'Golden Jubilee'. Half hardy perennial. Unique golden foliage plant. Blue flowers in summer.
AQUILEGIA 'Red Cardinal'. Clump forming perennial. Bell shaped, spurned flowers with red petals and red white sepals in spring and summer. Prefers well drained soil in an open sunny site.
ACHILLEA millefolium 'Cerise Queen'. Upright vigorous perennial. Fern like foliage, large usually plate like, flowers heads of purple red in summer. Fully hardy, tolerates most soils, grows best in sunny, well drained site.
ACONITUM carmichaelii ‘spatlese’. Dreamy clear pale blue flowers, a shade darker at edges July-Oct, good foliage. Height 1.2m.
ASARUM splendens. A vigourously spreading, easy to grow evergreen plant. Long arrow shaped leaves with silver blotches. Curious looking around, funnelled 2 inch flowers appear among the foliage. Grow in shade to part shade in moist, well drained slightly acidic soil typically of woodlands in best. Good as ground cover for shady areas under trees.
AQUILEGIA Red Hobbit. Clump forming perennial producing bell shaped spurred flowers of carmine-red with white corolla. Compact habit, height 35cm. Prefers well drained soil in an open, sunny site.
AQUILEGIA 'Mrs Scott Elliot'. Hardy perennial. Clump forming, leafy, producing bell shaped flowers of various colours, often bicoloured, with long spurs appearing in early summer on branching wiry stems. Prefers well drained soil in open, sunny site.
AQUILEGIA fragrans. Clump forming hardy perennial with bell shaped, spurred white with purple tinged, fragrant flowers. Height 60cm. Prefers well drained soil in an open, sunny site.
ANTHEMIS Kelwayii. Hardy perennial. Carpeting clump forming, evergreen, yellow daisy-like flowers heads and fern like foliage. Prefers sun and well drained soil. Cut to ground level after flowering for good leaf rosettes in winter.
CIRSIUM rivulare 'Atropurpureum'. Pin cushion like, deep crimson flowers on erect stems in summer. Fully hardy. Tolerates sun or shade and dry soil.
CISTUS ’Silver Pink’. Evergreen bushy shrub. Height 60cm. Spread 1m. Oval, dark green leaves set off large saucer shaped clear pink flowers each with conspicuous yellow stamens from early to mid summer. Grows best in full sun, good for coastal areas.
COREOPSIS 'Cuttings Gold'. Hardy perennial. Daisy like, rich yellow flowers produced through summer. Height 50cm.
CEPHALARIA gigantea. Hardy perennial. A robust branching perennial. Wiry stems bear pin cushion like heads of primrose yellow flowers well above lance shaped dark green leaves best suited to large borders and wild gardens. Prefers sun and well drained soil. Height 2m, Spread 1.2m.
CLEMATIS 'The President'. Early, large flowered clematis. Height 6-10ft, spread 3ft. In early summer bears masses of single, rich purple flowers, silver beneath, 4 inches wide with red anthers. Can be grown facing in any aspect away from string cold winds in a sheltered position. Will do best if fed and watered well. Flowers on previous years growth so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'Multiblue'. Early large flowered clematis. Height 6-10ft, spread 3ft. In early summer bears masses of double rich purple flowers, silver beneath, 4 inches wide. Will produce single flowers later in the summer. Can be grown facing any aspect, in a sheltered position away from cold damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers of previous year's growth so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'Joan Picton'. Large flowered clematis. Compact growth, height 8-12ft, spread 3ft. A free flowering plant. Produces lilac with light bar, brown stamen flowers (6-8 inch) in early summer. Can be grown facing any aspect in a sheltered position away from cold damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous growth so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'Daniel Deronda'. A large flowered clematis producing deep violet blue, yellow stamens (6-8 inch diameter) semi double flowers in spring, single in late summer. Can be grown facing any aspect, but must be sheltered from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous year's growth, so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'Niobe'. A large flowered clematis producing deep, ruby red flowers with yellow stamens throughout summer. Can be grown facing any aspect, but must be sheltered from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous years growth, so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'John Huxtable'. A large flowered clematis producing masses of single white flowers with cream anthers. Can be grown facing any aspect, but sheltered from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers in mid summer on new growth, therefore previous year's growth can be disgarded by cutting back to a good pair of buds approx 25-30cm from the ground.
CLEMATIS 'Louise Rowe'. A large flowered clematis producing pale mauve double semi double and single flowers with golden anthers all at the same time (6-8 inches) during June-July. Can be grown facing either a east, south or west aspect, but must be sheltered from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous year's growth, so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS Viticella 'Purpurea Plena Elegans'. This plant produces masses of rosette-shaped violet purple flowers (2.5 inch diameter) in late summer. Can be grown facing an east, south or west aspect, but must be sheltered from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on new growth, therefore previous year's growth can be disgarded by cutting plant back to a good pair of buds approx 25-30cm from ground.
CLEMATIS 'Bees Jubilee'. A large flowered clematis, compact growth. Produces a profusion of single, deep pink with camine bar flowers with brown anthers in early summer. Grow facing any aspect, but must be sheltered from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous year's growth, so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'Beauty of Worcester'. Large flowered clematis producing deep blue double flowers in early summer followed by single flowers early on. Grow facing an east, south or west aspect in a sheltered position away from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous year's growth, so little (if any) pruning required.
CAMPANULA alliariifolia. Height 40cm. Mound-forming vigorous perennial. Bell-shaped, creamy white flowers borne along arching wiry stems throughout summer.
CAMPANULA cochleariifolia 'Bavaria Blue'. Spreading perennial, runners produce mats of rosetted, tiny, round leaves. Bears small clusters of blue flowers in summer on many thin stems above foliage. Height 8cms, spread indefinite. Grow in sun or shade in moist but well drained soil.
CAMPANULA punctata 'Rubriflora'. Heart shaped leaves form a rosette base which is over hung with long, arching stems of cream to purple crimson spotted flowers in July to August. Height 25cm. Grow in sun to partial shade in well drained soil.
CLEMATIS 'General Sikorski'. Large flowered clematis producing mid blue, reddish tinged flowers with golden anthers in mid summer. Grow facing an east, south or west aspect in a sheltered position away from damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous year's growth, so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'Horn of Plenty'. Large flowered clematis, compact growth. Height approx 8ft. Very large rose-mauve flowers (5 inch diameter) fading to mauve blue produced in early summer. Grow facing any aspect in a sheltered position away from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on previous year's growth, so little (if any) pruning required.
CLEMATIS 'Hagley Hybrid'. Large flowered clematis producing shell pink flowers with large stamens in mid summer. Grow facing any aspect in a sheltered position away from strong damaging winds. Will do best if fed and watered regularly. Flowers on new growth, therefore previous year's growth can be disgarded by cutting plant back to a good pair of buds approx 25-30cm from ground.
DELPHINIUM 'Blue Bird'. Hardy perennial. Spikes of irregularly cup shaped spurred flowers. Need an open, sunny position and fertile rich, well drained soil. May need staking. Height 1.5m.
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1 Hybrids New Millenium Series 'Blue Lace'. Hardy perennial producing magnificent full blossoms of double light blue with pink tinge on stable and strong flower stalks, vigorous growth. Very good. Winter hardy. Needs an open, sunny position and fertile or rich, well drained soil. Staking and ample feeding and watering in spring and early summer required. Height 160cm.
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1 Hybrids New Millenium Series 'Green Twist'. Hardy perennial producing magnificent full blossoms of white with a green tinge and white-green bee on stable and strong flower stalks. Vigorous growth. Very good. Winter hardy. Needs an open, sunny position and fertile or rich well drained soil. Staking and ample feeding and watering in spring and early summer required. Height 160cm.
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1 Hybrids New Millenium Series 'Superstars'. Hardy perennial producing magnificent full blossoms on stable and strong flower stalks. Vigorous growth. Very good. Winter hardy. Needs an open, sunny position and fertile or rich well drained soil. Staking and ample feeding and watering in spring and early summer required. Height 160cm.
EUCRYPHIA X nymansenis. Evergreen columnar tree. Leathery, glossy, dark green leaves. Clusters of large white flowers open in late summer or early autumn. Grow in a sheltered, semi shaded position. Requires fertile, well drained soil. Height 15m.
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Ruby Star'. Vigorous upright perennial. Large daisy like carmine red flowers. Full hardy. Height 100cm. Prefers sun, rich moist but well drained soil.
ECHINACEA purpurea 'White Swan'. Vigorous upright perennial. Large daisy like white flower heads each with a prominent, central orange brown cone on strong stems in summer. Prefers sun, rich moist but well drained soil. Height 1.2m and spread 45cm.
GEUM chiloense 'Mrs. Bradshaw'. Hardy perennial, clump forming. Rounded, double crimson flowers borne in small sprays in summer. Grows best in sun and prefers moist but well drained soil. Height 80cm, spread 45cm.
GERANIUM pratense 'orion'. Clump forming perennial. Fully hardy. Produces five petalled saucer shaped, white flowers on branching stems in summer. Prefers sun, growing in any, but waterlogged soil. Height 75cms, spread 60cms.
GEUM flore plena 'Blazing Sunset'. A striking variety with prolific fully double scarlet flowers which are 50% larger than other varieties. Flowers over a long period from May to September. Looks good in the border. Height 60cms.
HEBE 'Super Red'. Spreading evergreen shrub with grey green leaves narrowly margined and veined red when young spikes of lilac blue flowers fading to white in summer
HEUCHERA americana. Evergreen perennial, forms large clump of decorative leaves with long feathery sprays of small white flowers. Good ground cover. Prefers semi-shade and moisture retentive but well drained soil. Height 45-75cms, spread 30-45cm.
HEUCHERA sanguinea 'Ruby Bells'. Hardy, evergreen perennial. Will form into a large clump with attractive foliage and spikes of brilliant dark red, dense flowers in May-July. Prefers semi-shade and moisture retentive but well drained soil.HEMEROCALLIS ’Destined to see’. Scented cream flowers with a remarkable lavender eye and dark picotee edge. Height 15cm wide, July-Aug 60cms. Easy to grow but snail and slug control in early spring is important when young foliage first appears. Lovely!
LIGULARIA clentata 'Midnight Lady'. Large kidney-shaped, leathery leaves with golden, daisy flowers. This ligularia retains its handsome dark foliage that will not fade to green as the summer goes on. A new introduction by Christian Kress of Sarastro Nursery in Australia and Jelitto seeds breeding effort. Midnight Lady grows into neat 60cms tall foliage mounds. Grow in sun or semi shade in moist well drained soil. Slug control may be necessary as prone to damage.
LUPINUS russell 'The Governor'. Hardy pernennial. Large racemes of blue/white pea like flowers in spring or early summer. Prefers light soil in sun or light shade. Height 75cm – 1.2m.
LEYCESTERIA formosa. Deciduous, upright shrub. Height and spread 2m. Frost hardy. Blue-green shoots and slender, oval, dark green leaves. In summer and early autumn small, funnel-shaped white flowers are borne at tip of each pendant cluster of purplish-red bracts and are followed by spherical, reddish-puple fruits.
LYCHNIS viscaria splendens 'Firebird'. Hardy clump forming perennial. Sticky, star shaped, reddish-purple flowers borne in dense clusters above narrowly oval to oblong, dark green leaves in early to mid summer. Suitable for the front of a border or rock garden. Height 30cm, spread 30-45cm. Requires sun and well drained soil.
LUPINUS Russell 'Woodfield' hybrid. Clump forming perennial with colourful dense, tight large flower panicles of either white, pink, red, yellow, blue or multicolour. Height 100cms.
LATHYRUS vernus 'Rainbow'. Hardy perennial grown for their racemes of attractive flowers. Has fern like much divided, soft leaves clump forming. In spring, slender stems bear 3-5 flowers in either carmine red, rose, light pink, lilac or white flowers. Height 25cm. Grow in rich, fertile well drained soil in full light.
OENOTHERA longifolia 'Lemon Sunset'. Hardy perennial. Large soft yellow flowers maturing to sunset red stems rich red. Prefers full sun and well drained sandy soil. Height 100cm. Flowers June-Oct.
PRIMULA 'Gold Lace'. Frost hardy perennial. Produces flat flowers with gold laced margins from mid to late spring. Height 20cm, Spread 25cm.
PAPAVER orientale 'The Princess' (Poppy). Hardy perennial. Single salmon coloured flowers borne in early summer. Grow in sun or semi-shade prefers moist, but well drained soil.
PAPAVER (Poppy) nudicaule 'Matador'. Tuft forming perennial. Hairy stems each produces a fragrant single scarlet flower in summer. Prefers partial shade. Good for a rock garden. Height 30cm, spread 10cm.
PYRACANTHA 'Red Column' (Firethorn). Evergreen spiny, large clusters of small 5 petalled white flowers in early summer followed by scarlet red berries in Autumn. Requires a sheltered site in sun or semi shade. Good plant for growing against wall.
PHOTINIA X stransvaesia 'Red Start'. Evergreen shrub grown for their bright red young foliage. Grow in sun or partial shade in fertile well drained soil. Height 4m.
PENSTEMON X mexicale 'Sunburst Ruby'. A very durable perennial originating from a cross between a Mexican and American species. It will survive winter temperatures as low as -25 degrees celcius and will not shrivel in the summer's heat and humidity. A profusion of white centred, ruby red tubular shaped blossoms held aloft on sturdy 40cm stems from June to August. Spent flowers can be removed and the plant will re-bloom. Graceful, bushy perennial with shimmering, narrow, glossy green foliage. Suitable in rock gardens, mixed planters or border. A low maintenance plant in well drained soil and sunny position.
PAPAVER orientale 'Coral Reef'. Hardy perennial producing many large, vibrant flowers in an intense and vivid coral pink over a long period. A spectacular, long lived plant. Excellent border and cut flower plant. Height 75cm. Needs sun or semi-shade and prefers moist, but well drained soil.
SALVIA nemorosa 'Rosenwein'. Hardy perennial. Neat, clump forming plant with narrowly oval, rough, mid-green leaves. Branching racemes densely set with pink flowers produced in summer. Height 15cm.
SYMPHYANDRA. Hardy upright or spreading perennial, best grown as a biennial producing panicles of bell shaped, blue or white flowers in summer. Suits large rock gardens and bases of banks. Self seeds readily. Height 30-60cm, spread 30cm.
SISYRINCHIUM bellum. Semi-evergreen, upright, clump-forming perennial that for a long period in summer and early autumn has many flowering stems carrying tiny tufts of iris-like, blue to violet blue flowers. Self seeds readily. Height 12cm, Spread 10cm.
TRADESCANTIA X andersoniana 'carmine red'. Rushy leaves and stems that carry clsutered heads of three petalled flowers up to 1 inch from June to August. Will grow in ordinary soil whether moist or dry in sun or partial shade.
VERBASCUM hybridum 'Southern Charm'. Produces slender spires of either creamy yellow, soft lavender and peachy rose shades with purple stamens. Low growing leaf rosettes. Height 60cm. Tolerates shade, but prefers an open sunny site and well drained soil.
VERONICA teucrium 'Royal Blue'. Hardy pernennial. Mat forming, short dense, racemes of small, saucer-shaped, bright blue flowers appearing in early summer. Suits a rock garden or bank. Height 40cm, spread 40cm.
VERBASCUM phoenicium 'Violetta'. Hardy perennial rosette-forming. Branched racemes of five lobed dark purple violet flowers in summer. Reblooms after dead heading. Height 90cm.
VERONICASTRUM virginicum 'Alba'. Upright perennial height 1.2m, spread 45cms. Fully hardy. Racems of small starshaped white flowers with pink flush bases produced in late summer. Needs sun and well drained soil.
VERBASCUM chauxii album 'Milkshake'. Hardy perennial. Strong spires of pure white flowers with plum pink eyes which contrast well to produce a striking effect. Shorter than other verbascum spices making it highly desirable. Height 75cms.
YUCCA filamentosa. Evergreen, forms a dense tuft of slender pointed, blue-green leaves. Fully hardy. Very long panicles of fragrant white flowers are produced in late sping and early summer. Height 2m, Spread 1.5m.
STOCK LISTING - Click on description to see images of the plant
YUCCA filamentosa. Evergreen, forms a dense tuft of slender pointed, blue-green leaves. Fully hardy. Very long panicles of fragrant white flowers are produced in late sping and early summer. Height 2m, Spread 1.5m.
WEIGELA florida. Deciduous, arching shrub. Height and spread 2.5m. Bears deep pink flowers, pale pink to white inside in late spring and early summer. Prefers sunny, fertile soil. To maintain vigour a few older branches may be pruned to ground level.
VERONICASTRUM virginicum 'Alba'. Upright perennial height 1.2m, spread 45cms. Fully hardy. Racems of small starshaped white flowers with pink flush bases produced in late summer. Needs sun and well drained soil.
VERBASCUM chaixii 'Sixteen Candles'. Golden flowers with violet filaments, richly branched flowers stems. True perennial. Tolerates shade, but prefers open sun.
TRADESCANTIA X andersoniana 'carmine red'. Rushy leaves and stems that carry clsutered heads of three petalled flowers up to 1 inch from June to August. Will grow in ordinary soil whether moist or dry in sun or partial shade.
TRADESCANTIA X andersoniana 'blue'. Rushy leaves and stems that carry clsutered heads of three petalled flowers up to 1 inch from June to August. Will grow in ordinary soil whether moist or dry in sun or partial shade.
TIARELLA polyphylla 'Filigran'. Vigorous spreading perennial, lobed, pale green leaves with darker marks, veins turn bronze - red in winter. Bears many spikes of profuse white flowers in late spring and early summer. Tolerates deep shade and prefers moist but well drained soil.
SPIREA japonica ‘Goldflame’. Deciduous, upright, slightly arching shrub with orange-red, young leaves turning to bright yellow and finally pale green. Bears heads of deep rose pink flowers from mid to late summer. Height and spread 1.5m.
SISYRINCHIUM bellum. Semi-evergreen, upright, clump-forming perennial that for a long period in summer and early autumn has many flowering stems carrying tiny tufts of iris-like, blue to violet blue flowers. Self seeds readily. Height 12cm, Spread 10cm.
SCUTELLARIA baicalensis. Produces erect single stems covered in blue flowers over a long period. Good in borders, containers and pots. Height 30cms.
SEDUM spectabile 'Autumn Joy'. Clump forming fleshy perennial. Fully hardy. Height and spread 45cms. Oval, grey green leaves above with flat heads of small, star-shaped pink flowers are bourne attracting butterflies. Grows well in any soil, but needs sun.
SAMBUCUS nigra ‘Black Beauty’. Deciduous shrub, purple foliage, clear pink lemon scented flowers, needs sun, fertile, moist soil. Height and spread 6m.
ROSMARINUS officinalis 'Miss Jessop's Upright'. Evergreen, compact, upright shrub. Height and spread 2m. Produces two lipped blue flowers in mid to late spring amid aromatic dark green leaves. Good for hedging. Can be cut back hard when old.
ROSEMARINUS officinalis ‘Majorca Pink’. Evergreen shrub grown for their flowers and aromatic foliage. Can be used as a culinary herb. Requires sun and well drained soil. Height and spread 2m.
RIBES sanguineum ‘King Edward VIII’. Deciduous upright compact shrub. Height and spread 2m, small tubular deep reddish pink flowers from mid to late spring. 3-5 lobed, aromatic dark green leaves
POTENTILLA Nepalensis 'Miss Wilmott'. Useful medium size hardy perennial will provide colour for the border throughout summer with its sprays of bright carmine flowers. Thrives in full sun. Height 60cms.
POTENTILLA fruticosa ‘Lovely Pink’. Deciduous bushy, dense shrub. Pink saucer shaped flowers from late spring to late summer. Height 1m, spread 5m.
POTENTILLA Fruticosa 'Daydawn'. Compact shrub of approx 1.5 metres. Flowers are orange-yellow appearing over a long period from early summer. Tolerant of position and soil as long as drainage is good.
POLEMONIUM caeruleum 'alba'. Clump forming perennial. Clusters of cup shaped, white flowers with orange-yellow stamens open in summer amid finely divided foliage. Fully hardy, prefers sun and well drained soil. Height and spread 45-60cms.
POLEMONIUM boreale 'heavenly habit'. Flowers are violet-blue with a yellow eye appearing in summer. Fully hardy, compact. Height 30cms. Will re-bloom if dead headed.
PHYGELIUS capensis 'Coccineus'. Upright sub-shrub, evergreen or semi evergreen. Will grow to 1.5m, spread 2m if planted in a sheltered position for example against a south or west facing wall. Usually loses leaves or has shoots cut to ground level by frost restricting maximum height. Flowers are red and tubular. Needs sun and and fertile well drained but not dry soil.
PHLOX Paniculata 'Franz Schubert'. Upright perennial bearing conical heads of lilac flowers in mid summer. Height 80cms, spread 60cms.
PHLOMIS fruiticosa. Evergreen spreading shrub. Walls of deep golden yellow flowers are produced amid sage like grey-green foliage from early to mid summer. Spread 1.5m. Prefers sun and well drained soil.
PHOTINIA fraseri ‘Red Robin’. Evergreen shrub grown for their foliage, fully hardy, but protect from cold winds. Glossy, dark green leaves, brilliant red when young. Height 4m.
PHOTINIA davidiana ‘Palette’. Evergreen spreading shrub or tree. Grown for its variegated foliage and red berries, sun or part shade.
MONARDA didyma. Showy plants for the late June to Sept period. Flowers are of curious shape, having upward painting petals and come at the tips of the leafy stems which do not branch. Grows in moist soil forming wide mats of surface growth. Leaves have a distinctive and not unpleasant odour.
LYSIMACHIA ephemerum. Neat, clump forming perennial. Height 1m, spread 30cms. Fully hardy. Star shaped greyish-white flowers produced on slender stems in summer. Prefers sun or semi-shade. Moist, but well drained soil.
LYCHNIS viscaria splendens 'Firebird'. Height 50cms, clump forming, bright red flowers from early to mid summer. Flowers borne in dense clusters. Suitable for front of border or rock gardens.
LUPINUS ‘Morello Cherry’. Racemes of pea like flowers. Prefers sun, clump forming flowers early summer. Height 1m.
LUPIN Russell 'Woodfield' hybrid. Clump forming perennial with colourful dense, tight large flower panicles of either white, pink, red, yellow, blue or multicolour. Height 100cms.
LIGULARIA dentata 'Dark Beauty'. Compact clump forming perennial. Height 1.2m, spread 60cms. Has heart shaped, long stalked, leathery, basal dark brownish leaves, vivid orange flower heads on branching stems from mid to late summer.
LEYCESTERIA formosa. Deciduous, upright shrub. Height and spread 2m. Frost hardy. Blue-green shoots and slender, oval, dark green leaves. In summer and early autumn small, funnel-shaped white flowers are borne at tip of each pendant cluster of purplish-red bracts and are followed by spherical, reddish-puple fruits.
KNAUTIA Macedonica 'Melton Pastels'. Long flowering period, producing branching stems bearing double almost globular flowers in either blue, mauve, red, pink or salmon. Good in border and will repeat flower if cut back.
KNAUTIA arvensis. Heads of pin cushion like blue-ish-lilac flowers appear in summer. Fully hardy, prefers sun and well drained soil. Height 1.2m, spread 45cm.
ILEX aquifolium ‘Silver Milkmaid’. Dense female shrub, height 5.5m, spread 4m. Oval wavy edged very spring leaves are bronze when young, maturing to bright green, each with a central creamy white blotch. Produces an abundance of scarlet berries. Makes a very attractive specimen plant.
HYDRANGEA macrophylla Tri-colour. Bushy shrub with varigated leaves and pink lace cap flowers. Prefers sun or semi shade and fertile moist but well drained soil.
HYDRANGEA macrophylla 'Libelle'. Deciduous bushy shrub. Oval toothed glossy, light green leaves. Produces white lacecap green flowers from mid to late summer. The pH of soil will not effect colour of flowers. Remove spent flower heads in spring. Prefers sun or semi-shade and fertile moist but well drained soil. Height 1.5-2m. Spread 2-2.5m.
HYDRANGEA macrophylla 'Leuchtfeuer'. Deciduous bushy shrub. Oval toothed glossy, light green leaves. Produces red mophead flowers from mid to late summer. The pH of soil will effect colour of flowers. Remove spent flower heads in spring. Prefers sun or semi-shade and fertile moist but well drained soil. Height 1.5-2m. Spread 2-2.5m.
HYDRANGEA macrophylla 'Berlin'. Deciduous bushy shrub. Oval toothed glossy, light green leaves. Produces pink mophead flowers from mid to late summer. The pH of soil will effect colour of flowers. Remove spent flower heads in spring. Prefers sun or semi-shade and fertile moist but well drained soil. Height 1.5-2m. Spread 2-2.5m.
HEMEROCALLIS Bela Lugosi 'day lilly'. Scented dark, purple-black tetraploid flowers. 15cms wide in July/August. Height 80cms. Easy to grow but snail and slug control in early spring is important when young foliage first appears.
HEMEROCALLIS ’Destined to see’. Scented cream flowers with a remarkable lavender eye and dark picotee edge. Height 15cm wide, July-Aug 60cms. Easy to grow but snail and slug control in early spring is important when young foliage first appears. Lovely!
GEUM flore plena 'Blazing Sunset'. A striking variety with prolific fully double scarlet flowers which are 50% larger than other varieties. Flowers over a long period from May to September. Looks good in the border. Height 60cms.Delphinium elatum 'Astlolat'. Erect plant with mid green, hand shaped leaves. Spikes of lilac and pink semi-double flowers. Prefers a sunny, sheltered postition and fertile soil.
GERANIUM pratense 'orion'. Clump forming perennial. Fully hardy. Produces five petalled saucer shaped, white flowers on branching stems in summer. Prefers sun, growing in any, but waterlogged soil. Height 75cms, spread 60cms.
GERANIUM phaeum 'samobor'. Clump forming perennial with lobed, soft green, dark zonal leaves and maroon- purple flowers in late spring. Height 75cms and spread 45cms. Can be grown in a semi shaded position.
FRANCOA sonchifolia. Clump forming perennial. Height 75cms, spread 45cms. Bears racemes of cup shaped, red marked pink flowers from summer to early autumn. Lobed leaves each have a large terminal lobe.
EUONYMUS fortunei ‘Blondy’. Evergreen shrub with bright green and golden foliage. Sun or semi shade, prostrate growth, height 1m, spread 1.5m.
EUCRYPHIA X nymansensis. Evergreen shrub grown for their foliage and fragrant white flowers in late summer. Sheltered semi shaded position. Height 15m.
ERAGROSTIS Spectabilis. Purple love grass. Height 50cms. Brilliant purple red flowers racems. Dense, compact clumps. One of the most attractive, late flowering, ornamental grasses.
ECHINOPS ritro. Upright perennial with globe, spiky flower heads, carried in late summer on silvery stems. Prefers full sun in poor soil. Height 1.2m, spread 80cms.
DIGITALIS X mertonensis (Summer King). Clump forming perennial. Height 75cms, spread 30cm, fully hardy. Bears spikes of downward pointing tubular, nose mauve to coppert flowers in summer, above a rosette of oval, hairy soft leaves. Divide after flowering.
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Snow Thimble' (Foxglove-white). Spikes of pure white bell shaped flowers, unspotted, large. Height 1m. Will grow in most conditions, even dry, exposed sites, but best in semi shade and moist soil.
DIANTHUS barbatus nigrescens 'sooty'. Height 35cms, deeply maroon flowers, fragrant green foliage matures to mahogany colour. Prefers an open, sunny position and well drained slightly alkaline soil.
DEUTZIA Hybrida 'Pink Pompom'. Easy to grow in most soils. Numerous small double pink flowers are produced from May to June. Height approx 2.5 metres. Cut out a portion of the shoot after flowering.
CROCOSMIA zealand. Forms a dense clump of sword shaped erect leaves. Big deep red flowers look outwards. Flowers July-September. Requires well drained soil in an open sunny site.
CARYOPTERIS. Deciduous shrub grown for its compact mass of lance shaped, grey green leaves and clusters of tubular blue to purplish blue flowers from summer to autumn. Prefers sun. Height and spread 1m.
CRAMBE cordifolia. Robust perennial with clouds of small, fragrant, white flowers borne in branching sprays in summer above mounds of large, crinkled and lobed, dark green leaves. Height to 2m, spread 1.2m. Fully hardy. Will grow in any well drained soil, prefers an open position in full sun but tolerates some shade.
COROKIA X virgata. Evergreen, upright dense shrub. Height and spread 3m. Needs full sun. Produces star shaped yellow flowers in mid spring then egg shaped bright orange fruits.
CLEMATIS macropetala Markham's Pink. Pink semi double nodding flowers, 1.5 to 2 inch diameter. Flowering months April-May. Height 8.75-12.25ft. Plant facing any aspect.
CLEMATIS macropetala 'Blue Bird'. Lavender blue semi-double nodding flowers. 1.5-2 inch diameter. Flowering months April-May. Height 8.75-12.25ft. Plant facing any aspect.
CLEMATIS Edward Defosse. Blue flowers, 6-8 inch diameter. May-July. Height approx 6-8ft. Compact variety good for growing in containers.
CLEMATIS alpina 'Frances Rivis'. Mid blue lantern flowers, white stamens of 1- 2.5 inch diameter. Flowering months April - May. Height 7-8.75 ft. Plant facing any aspect.
CLEMATIS 'Nelly Moser'. Pale mauve-pink with deep carmine bar, 7-9 inch diameter flowers. Fades badly in full sun but fine in shade. Flowering months May-June and possibly again in September if regularly fed. Height 8.75-14ft plant facing east, north or west aspect.
CLEMATIS 'Horn of Plenty'. Rosy mauve, deep coloured red centred flowers, 8-10inch diameter. Flowering time June-August. Height approx 8.75-14 ft. Plant facing any aspect. Does not require pruning.
CLEMATIS 'Henryii'. Creamy white flowers, pointed sepals and dark sepals and dark stamens 6-8 inch diameter. Flowering tim June-September. Height approx 14-22.75 ft. Plant facing any aspect.
CLEMATIS 'Countess of Lovelace'. Lavender blue, double and single flowers. 6-8 inch in diameter. Flowering time between June-Sept. Height approx 8.75-14ft. Plant, facing any aspect.
CISTUS ’Silver Pink’. Evergreen bushy shrub. Height 60cm. Spread 1m. Oval, dark green leaves set off large saucer shaped clear pink flowers each with conspicuous yellow stamens from early to mid summer. Grows best in full sun, good for coastal areas.
CIRSIUM rivulare 'Atropurpureum'. Pin cushion like, deep crimson flowers on erect stems in summer. Fully hardy. Tolerates sun or shade and dry soil.
CHOISYA Aztec pearl. Evergreen shrub grown for their foliage and flowers. Requires full sun. White flushed pink, fragrant flowers. Height and spread 2.5m.
CHAENOMELES japonica ‘Rubra’ flowering quince. Deciduous, usually thorny, spring flowering spreading shrub. Height 1m spread 2m. Profusion of red flowers then spherical, yellow fruits.
CENTAUREA montana. Spreading perennial with many lax stems carrying in early summer one or more large, purple, blue, white or pink flower heads with thistle like centres encircled by star shaped ray petals. Height 50cms.
CENTAUREA dealbata. Height 80cms, spread 60cms. Fresh pink flower heads borne freely in summer. Fully hardy. Requires sun, grows in well drained soil, even poor soil.
CEANOTHUS 'Blue Mound'. Evergreen shrub, blue flowers in mid summer and usually again in August/September. Height 300cms.
CEANOTHUS concha. Evergreen shrub with densely clustered, mainly blue flowers.SCABIOSA columbaria 'Misty Butterflies'. Height 25cms compact plant, soft pink to lavender blue, large flowering. Prefers sun and fertile well drained, alkaline soil.
CALLISTEMON Subulatus (Bottle Brush). Evergreen shrub with narrow pointed leaves and clustered flowers resembling bottle brushes produced in summer. Height and spread 1.5m.
CAMPANULA alliariifolia. Height 40cm. Mound-forming vigorous perennial. Bell-shaped, creamy white flowers borne along arching wiry stems throughout summer.
BUDDLEIA santana. Deciduous shrub, bright golden variegated foliage, lance shaped red flowers. Requires sun and fertile soil. Height and spread 2.5m.
BERGENIA cordifolia 'Winterglut'. Height 45cms. Evergreen perennial with thick, large rounded leaves. Ideal ground cover, fully hardy. Tolerates sun or shade. Incomparable red leaf colour in winter. Best in poor soil.
BERBERIS X ottawensis 'Purpurea'. Medium sized shrub (Height and spread 2m) with deep purple leaves, arching branches. Yellow spring flowers and red autumn berries. Requires partial shade and well drained soil.
ASTILBE BELLA. Summer flowering perennial with panicles of rose coloured flowers. Suitable for borders and rock gardens. Needs rich, moist soil in partial shade.
ASTER NOVI Belgii Dietard. A perennial with rosy red, daisy like flower heads bourne in summer/autumn. Dwarf form height 25cms. Prefers sun or partial shade and fertile well drained soil.
ASPHODELINE lutea 'Yellow Candle'. Height 80cms, spread 60cms-1metre. Neat, clump forming perennial that bears spikes of yellow flowers amid narrow, grey-green leaves in late spring.
AQUILEGIA Goldfinch. Clump forming perennial. Golden bell shaped spurred flowers in spring and summer. Fully hardy, prefers well drained soil in an open sunny site.
AQUILEGIA 'Red Cardinal'. Clump forming perennial. Bell shaped, spurned flowers with red petals and red white sepals in spring and summer. Prefers well drained soil in an open sunny site.
AQUILEGIA 'Dove'. Clump forming perennial white flowers with yellow stamens bell shaped, spurned flowers in spring and summer. Prefers well drained soil in an open sunny site.
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Woodside Strain'. Height 60cms. Clump forming, bell shaped spurred flowers in spring and summer of blue, white or pink. Green-yellowed marbled leaves.
ANEMONE sylvestris. Carpeting perennial. Height 30cms, fully hardy, large, fragrant. Cup shaped, white flowers in spring and early summer. Leaves divided and mid-green.
ANEMONE hupehensis. Pink or white flowers of 2.5cm to 5cm are produced in late summer by these delightful plants. The wiry, branching stems are tipped by nodding flowers. Flowering begins in late July or early August and continues till autumn. Needs good drainage and mainly sunny position.
AMPELOPSIS Megaphylla. Vigorous deciduous tendril climber reaching 8 metres. Hop like leaves. Makes a stunning sight in a large garden after summer bearing a rich crop of berries contrasting against the seasonal foliage colours. Prefers a sunny position.
AGAPANTHUS praecox 'headbourne hybrid'. Clump forming plant with erect stems that carry large umbels of bell to tubular bell shaped flowers, usually blue. This particular cultivar is the hardiest of all agapanthus. Height 1m, spread 50cms.
ACONITUM carmichaeli ‘spatlese’. Dreamy clear pale blue flowers, a shade darker at edges July-Oct, good foliage. Height 1.2m.
++ New plants and varieties are being constantly added ++
Call us on 01690 710870 for more details
or visit Betws-y-Coed Garden Nursery, Holyhead Road, Betws-y-Coed, Conwy, LL24 OAB.