I've solved it! Yes, the answer to "how do you get the children away from the screen and into the garden?" is....
...take the screen with you.
So, OK, this might not be 'gardening' per se but setting up a garden cinema is the perfect way to get the family outside. Best of all, it is far less expensive than you might suppose (less than £350 all in) and relatively simple to do. Here's how.
First, you will need a projector and it's worth getting something pretty good. Having read countless online discussions on this subject (yes, that really is how I've spent my evenings) I picked the Optoma HD65 - it's simple to use, good quality and gets enthusiastic reviews. One of these things costs over £500 new but they often come up second-hand on eBay which is where I found mine for the much more reasonable sum of £250.
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