I’ve just picked, and eaten, my first home-grown tomato of the year – and it was delicious. It’s actually a brand new outdoor bush variety, and yet to be named, but on my sunny patio it has even beaten the greenhouse crops to produce the first ripe fruits.
Both greenhouse and garden are developing well, proving yet again just how much fresh produce can be grown in our gardens. And that’s the aim of our Grow Yourself Healthy campaign, to show people how a little planning can turn their gardens and patios into productive plots to feed their family.
So, what have I been picking? Salad leaves are an almost daily essential for me, and these have been augmented with chives, parsley, and self-sown rocket and watercress. To maintain continuity I need to keep up with my seed sowing, so a few seeds of different salads are sown in modular trays every couple of weeks. This raises nice young plants to use to fill gaps or replace older salads now past their best.
And by salad leaves I don’t just mean lettuce. Among my favourites are mizuna, pak choi, beetroot, spinach, coriander, and a host of others. I’ve even been enjoying some rat-tail radish, eating the small seed pods that taste exactly like, well, radish.
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